

Chill vibes calling. Pastels are having a moment and you’re here for it. Salmon hits that perfect sweet spot between tangerine and peach tones. Whatever it is, it’s delicious.

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iPhone 13, iPhone 13 pro, iPhone 13 pro Max, iPhone 13 pro Mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Mini, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 pro Max, iPhone 11 pro, iPhone X/Xs, iPhone Xr, iPhone Xs Max, iPhone 7/8/SE (2020), iPhone 7+/8+, iPhone 6/6s, iPhone 5/SE, Samsung S20, Samsung S20+, Samsung S10, Samsung S10+, Samsung S9, Samsung S9+, Samsung S8, Samsung S8+, Huawei P40, Huawei P40+

Adjustable strap length for a comfortable cross-body fit. Strap made from biodegradable and ethically-sourced cotton. Our cases provide secure phone fastening with security grips and shatter-proof protection through reinforced corners. Total weight: 70 grams. In case you were wondering, that's as heavy as an egg.